"One of the best learning tools on the subject..." DAVE RUBIN
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This book, with accompanying CD, is a concise introduction to the art of Finger style Blues guitar. Graduated exercises, in order of difficulty, give you a thorough grounding in the vital skill of thumb and finger independence.

You'll develop your ability to improvise by looking at blues scales. You'll pick up specific playing techniques such as dampened bass, walking bass, pick and strum and alternating bass. And, of course, you'll apply all this new found knowledge by playing real acoustic blues tunes, including some challenging and fun to play Ragtime. If you want enlightenment on the subject, this book puts Fingerstyle Blues firmly in the spotlight and reveals the power and charm of this beguiling style.

Apart from all the audio examples you need, the CD accompanying the book includes 6 extra audio tracks for your listening and learning pleasure.

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